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The Upside of Being a Laid-Off Lawyer: Facial Hair

The Wall Street Journal, having nothing else to report on, writes that newly unemployed Wall Street refugees are luxuriating in the freedom to grow facial hair.

Facial hair is showing up on more former corporate types. It’s one of those tiny luxuries unleashed by unemployment, a time when people are briefly released from workaday habits and may wish to take stock of their lives before setting out anew. Al Gore grew a beard after losing the tumultuous presidential election of 2000. Neatly trimmed, it looked cozy and anti-establishment as he pursued creative projects on his way to the Nobel Peace Prize.

There’s even a Celebrity Beard Slideshow. Thanks, WSJ!

It’s a surprise to those of us on the Left Coast that Wall Street still bans facial hair. Also, what about the female laid-off lawyers and MBAs. Are they letting the leg stubble return?

Via ClayTravis.net.

Erik Even: